Thursday, October 04, 2007

WSO2 WSF/C 1.1.0 is released

WSO2 has announced another release of a hidden beast... it's WSF/C 1.1.0
WSF/C is actually the base framework for many implementations including WSF/PHP and WSF/Perl. There is another frameworks to be thrown to the open source community wrapping the WSF/C. Guess what...? It's WSF/Ruby.
So what makes WSF/C so special apart from being the base for many frameworks.
The first reason is that it's powered by the Apache Axis2/C web services engine. Other reason is that it encapsulates a number of modules that are WS-* implementations, such as Apache Rampart/C, Apache Savan/C and Apache Sandesha/C.
Once the WSF/C is downloaded, with a minimum effort for configurations, user can consume/deploy web services securely and reliably inheriting the features of it's module pack.
Have a look

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