Thursday, January 24, 2008

A request to a certificate authority using OpenSSL

Signing your certificate by a recognized certificate authority is consists of two steps. First you have to generate a certificate request locally. Then you need to fill a form providing some information and send to the CA. Here we will describe how to generate such a request using OpenSSL.
First you need to generate a private key. If you already have a private key skip this step.

%openssl genrsa -out x.key 1024

Then use that private key to generate your request to the CA.

%openssl req -new -key x.key -out request.pem

This will create a file called request.pem from the private key (x.key). The requset file has the following format.

(Base64 encoded certificate request data)

Then you have to provide your information to the certificate authority. Usually this can be done by sending a fax or by filling an on-line application. Make sure that you are sending accurate information and specially check your request and information on it. Use following commands for the verification.

%openssl req -noout -text -in request.pem
%openssl req -noout -verify -key x.key -in request.pem

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