Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The best moment of a married life

The best moment of the married life would be the time when you realize... ohh yeah...!!! It's OVER.
I mean not the marriage, but the wedding :).
Don't I hate the experiences I'm having these days. This tiny little period in your life brings enough troubles to cry for the comfortable and relaxed life you had in the past.
Guys, the inertia of converting a GF to a wife is unreasonably tiresome and expensive. Still thinking why the "living together" is not popular among us, yet.


Ayanthi Anandagoda said...
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Ayanthi Anandagoda said...

He he.. But hey, don't things get better after sometime when you settle down in marriage, or does it?!? See.. I'm not sure.............!!
Living together +1+1+1.. but in a way, does that not present similar challenges.. I think yes..

Malinda Kaushalye Kapuruge said...

>>don't things get better after sometime >>when you settle down in marriage

Of course. But the real pain is the wedding, which we can safely avoid by LT.

Ayanthi Anandagoda said...

true. But weddings just like everything else are highly commercialized. What could be a very private back garden function has become the number 1 debt for to-be brides and grooms.
In the web of life, there seems to be so many to please and so little time (and money). Like Mut says, 'I can please all but 1 person a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow is not looking good either..!' Anyways.. hope everything works out for you..:)