I know that most of my colleagues are abroad and might find it difficult to taste a hot spicy Sri Lankan dish. Fortunately I bought a cook book before I depart from Sri Lanka and right now it’s the best gift I’ve given to my wife (yeah… it works). But for those who did not, this is a page you must bookmark. I’m gonna try some of these definitely on my weekends.
Hm...delicious. Vegetarian?
Hey Kaushalye,
Great to know you are going being fed good food!
I have been reading your posts and see that you are now somewhat settled back there.. Hope DownUnder is treating you good:)
Its a li-tt-le hard with everyone else in the US, isn't it?
But keep going.. Let's see if we could pull a few others that way too! Already, Amal's brother has planned to be there this Oct..
All the best!
Hi Krishantha,
Its just a pic I picked for my post. U might find veg, non-veg in the recipes if u follow the link. If u asked abt me... nahh... I do not have such constraints to fill my stomach. Plant, Fruit, Bird, Fish or Animal... if the food is appealing, that's it. :)
Hi Ayanthi,
Yeah aussies are friendly and funny fellas. Im living in Springvale. Very nice residential area. Almost spring here with lots of flowers. Its warming up gradually but with some chilly evenings like today. Yeah... I think I did well to settle down here. Better than I imagined. Was a bit afraid of how its gonna be like living abroad, being married. Appreciate Ur instructions prior to the departure. Hope u n everybody is doing gr8 at WSO2.
Hi Kau,
Here is another reason to follow these great recipes. ;-)
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